I’m constantly telling people that they need to keep up on their blogs, and keep their web sites up to date with fresh and new content. Well, I’ve been so wrapped up in my customer projects I have neglected my own web site.
Many people have reminded me recently that I need to update, and of course all the e-mail asking for an update on the blog. Well here it is!
The title of this post is Focus. The focus of your web site should be the content, all too often people spend extraordinary amounts of time refining every little graphic detail, selecting the best fonts and then when it comes to content they write whatever they need to shut me up and get their site done. Folks, thats not the way it works. Content is king! The focus of your web site should be your company and more importantly what benefits you have to offer to your customers. Content is so vital, your web site is your first line in working with clients, this is the typical manner in customer contact.
- Customer sees an ad or is contacted VIA mass comunications
- Customer visits your web site
- Customer sends and e-mail or fills out an online request form
- Customer calls or stops in
Your web site’s goal may not necessarily be to drive revenue but to get them to that next stage in the sales process. Your content (the words and images) on your site is what makes people want to call on you, and while the content should be high quality and informative it shouldn’t be too lengthy. How many times have you found what you need on a web site only to find a scroll bar 6 miles long and you just think uggh! Well, your customers think that too. Be clear, concise and brief. Remember, the content is scanned by Google on a fairly regular basis and whatever you write helps you in the search engines as well. The look of the site is important, but what the customer is looking for on the site is critical.
Cheers and happy webbing.