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Internet Explorer 6.0 Must Die

According to the latest statistics, I figure there are about 4,267,000 Internet Explorer 6.0 users in North America.  Internet Explorer 6.0 (the latest version of Internet Explorer before it had tabs) is just a truly horrible piece of software.  Its so bad that Microsoft doesn’t even support it anymore.  Why is it so dreadful?  It doesn’t display pages properly, it requires so much extra effort and cost for web developers to accomodate and it has problems with JavaScript.  There is a whole campaign out there to stop Internet Explorer 6.0 altogether, they are encouraging web sites to detect the browser version and then stop the web site from working if you are using IE 6, now that sounds fun and cool, but its fairly unrealistic, but we have to consider the masses and what our customers need.  So, if you’re using Internet Explorer just switch to FireFox….do it for the sake of humanity and sanity.

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