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Do you need a web site?

Do you actually need a web site?  Being a web designer, this is where you would expect me to say “Yes, everyone needs a web site, duh!”.  But, I’m not going to.  I know that might come off as a shock, not everyone needs a web site.  A lot of companies/organizations do, but some can benefit from simply being on the web, just having that web presence makes a huge impact.  A couple of years ago I would have disagreed with my statement above.  The fact of the matter is, the internet landscape has changed, mainly due to social networking and the public splash pages available.

We’re in an industry where we are used to making all our money upfront on constructing vibrant new web sites, now thats simply not enough, or not the right course of action.  Most businesses need a lot more than just a web site.

We’re retooling our services to offer things are more fitting for todays environment with all of these great tools, services and web sites available.  Sometimes all business needs is a FaceBook fan page and some promotion, sometimes they need a full blown site with an online store and the whole sha-bang.  It’s hard to know to what you need, you have to start with your customers, then look at your competition and finally look at your goals.  Where do you want to be?  What problems are you having now?  Are you wasting time answering questions and qualifying customers?  Perhaps some online documentation could fix, are people just price shopping?  Or are you spending a lot of time explaining how you long you’ve been in business and so on and so forth.  Having the right web presence and the right information distributed is vital.  You can save your self time, and drive extra eye balls to your name and logo with some effort.  Yes, building a successful online presence is a time-consuming and sometimes frustrating process.  It requires a lot of reading and lots of registrations 🙂

That’s where I’ll plug ourselves on this, we have experience in helping businesses all over our area setting up successful online strategies, we can take all that work off your hands and setup a great online presence that works for you and in the end makes you more money.

Happy Webbing.


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