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Web Site Photo Tips

PhotosIf you have a web site, than you more than likely have some photos posted on there.   I’ve seen a lot of photos on sites lately that are just plain wrong.  So I thought, I would post some quick tips.  Keep this in mind, if you’re posting a photo and its right off a digital camera, its going to be exceptionally large, this is so you get the high quality when you go to have them developed…however this is not necessarily a good thing for the web.  Large files take longer to download, take the time to resize the photos properly if your web site doesn’t automatically do it for you.  There’s nothing more frustrating than going to a web page and having to wait a minute or two for the a single page to load.  Large photos will cause the page to morph and blob while its loading and then as I mentioned takes extra time to load  This is an even bigger problem on mobile phones.  Believe me, people are viewing your site on their phones.  Another thing to do is make sure that the photos are tagged (or captioned properly) most web sites will allow you to title the image, I’ve seen it more than a few times where the image titles are blank.  This is technically a no-no when it comes to validating your page.  It also helps you with the search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, etc) to have your images tagged.  Its also nice for your web site visitors, they can hover over an image with their mouse and get a nice little caption pertaining to the context of the image.   Lastly, make sure the images are positioned nicely into the content, don’t just slap 5 images in a row and make the visitor scroll for a few miles, images should compliment the content, not be the focus.  Even though you may be very proud and happy of your photos, your customers may not want to have to sift through them.

To Recap:

  • Size the images properly, make sure they’re not too large
  • Give all your images a title
  • Position them properly, don’t just slap them on the page, make it look nice

Happy Webbing


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