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Why You Should Be Thinking Towards Mobile

More and more, mobile devices are starting to dominate.  Smart phones and tablets are quickly becoming the mainstay. In Apple’s Q1 earnings call, reports Apple sold 7.33 million iPads and 16.24 million iPhones.  Apple predicts the tablet will soon replace the home computer.   It makes a lot of sense, mobile devices are fun, they are fast and are relatively affordable compared to a computer.  How often do you use a phone or tablet to surf the web?  Its always nice to view a web site that has been optimized specifically for a phone or tablet.  Why wouldn’t your web site also have those optimizations and goals?

Except for certain circumstances we, as an industry, have been operating under the model that the desktop (or full size) site is primary then mobile is secondary.  Now, with the advent of mobile devices and increased mobile usage it really makes sense to start thinking mobile is at least as important.  For some businesses it make sense to also have a mobile app.  A mobile app is the ideal computing experience when using a mobile device, but this doesn’t apply to everyone.  If your web site is simply a lead generating tool then you don’t need a mobile app.  If you are communicating with your clients often, exchanging files and giving them upates on various projects, work orders, etc then you might need a mobile app.

We closely monitor our client sites and we’ve noticed a trend in, mobile usage.  Mobile access of web site usage often spikes as high as 50% on the weekends, evenings and weekday lunch hour.  Of course, peak mobile times are when most people at work and school sitting in front of their desktop/laptop.  If you have customers on their mobile devices viewing your site and its not optimized, there are times of day when half of your customers may not gain the full effect of your message.  Its something to seriously consider.  You have to know your market and know your client, to really make this decision.  However, it won’t be too long and this will no longer be optional, it’ll be as standard as the Facebook like button on your web pages.

Happy Webbing

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